About junior dream cars
Junior Dream Cars developed from a passion for old-timers, classic racecars, classic motors, and 50’s/60’s Vespa’s. The origin of the collection can be found in collecting pedal cars. Children’s cars are often even better and subtler at passing on the feeling of real classic cars. A fine classic car can shine but a pedal car creates an even bigger emotional sensation by its modest scale. They also take little space compared to their bigger brothers.
Therefore, a beautiful and diverse collection is at an arms reach and can often be built up from the living room or the attic. At least, that is how it went with me. Next to my core business, Willems Classics (producing handmade enamel signs), I have built up a respectable collection of exclusive junior cars.
Collecting, in the widest sense of the word, has never lost its grip on me. Alongside the production of new enamel signs, I quickly built up a collection of unique enamel signs, which we produced ourselves commissioned by renowned companies. (see Willems Classics promotional website)

A large collection junior cars
So, at the heart of the enthusiastic collector is the love of collecting itself: the more, the better. Later, you will get to a phase in which you will upgrade your collection. What started out as your showpiece twenty years ago, slowly changes into a midscale as your taste grows more refined through the years.
That’s how years ago I switched from classic pedal cars to junior cars with an engine, powered by a 12.24 or 36 volts electromotor or a 2, 4-stroke gasoline engine. Worldwide contacts have enabled me to acquire a museum’s worth of classic children’s cars. Most of which are half-scale, so scaled 1:2. In my opinion, that is the size that does justice to a junior car 100%. Looking at technical details and design, the children’s cars don’t stray too far from their bigger brothers, the actual cars.
This site merely gives a small impression of my collection of junior cars but people with a similar love for junior cars will quickly identify with it. The quality junior cars are beautiful and built passionately, often in very small amounts at a time. This means that every collection of children’s cars is unique and a secure investment. Without obligation, I will give advice and explain about the depicted children’s cars wherever I can.
If you own a junior car that you would like to sell, please send us an email with dome pictures.
Some of our depicted models are for sale.
In special circumstances, I am willing to help other collectors and potentially trade a showpiece.
Kind collector’s regards,